No Control

by Bad Religion

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v4.06  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:34 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


No Control

Song Author

Greg Graffin

Tabbed by

Mikhail Zazubek


1st → Vocals
2nd → Guitar
3rd → Guitar
4th → Drums
5th → Bass
6th → Vocalss

File Size

44 KB




Cul-ture was the seed of pro-lif-er-a-tion but it's got-ten meld-ed in-to an in-har-mon-ic hole, to an in-har-mon-ic hole. Con-scious-ness has plagued us and we can-not shake it, though we think we're in con-trol, though we think we're in con-trol. Quest-ions that be-siege us in life- are test-a-ment of our help-less-ness. There's no ves-tige of a be-gin-ning-, no pros-pect of an end. When we all di-sin-te-grate it will all hap-pen a-gain-, yeah. Time is so rock sol-id in the minds of the hordes but they can't-- ex-plain why it should slip- away, ex-plain why it should slip- away. His-tor-y and fu-ture are the com-forts of our cur-i-o-sit-y but here we are root-ed in the pres-ent day, root-ed in the pres-ent day. Quest-ions that be-siege us in life- are test-a-ment of our help-less-ness. There's no ves-tige of a be-gin-ning-, no pros-pect of an end. When we all di-sin-te-grate it will all hap-pen a-gain-, yeah. if you came to con-quer, you'll be king for a day, but you too will de-te-ri-o-rate and quick-ly fade a-way. And be-lieve these words you hear when you think your path is clear. We have no con-trol.- We have no con-trol.- We have no con-trol, we do not un-der-stand. You have no con-trol, you are not in com-mand. You have no con-trol.- We have no con-trol.- No con-trol.- No- con-trol.- You have no con-trol.-